
Annex 1

Users - 30 groups can be created in addition to the default groups
- the maximum length of a group title is 30 characters
Page Editor - it is possible to create 20 pages with personal templates
- the maximum page size is 130,000 characters (75 thousand for the design and 60 thousand for the content. The maximum length of a TEXT field is 65535 bytes.)
- 20 images can be attached through the Images field
Site News - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- the maximum length of full entry text is 60,000 characters
- the maximum length of an entry title is 139 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Forum - one forum board can have up to 4 moderators
- the maximum number of forum sections is 100
- the maximum number of subforums is 200
- the maximum total number of forums and subforums is 1000
- the maximum number of posts in a forum thread is 10,000
- the maximum number of threads is 80,000
- the maximum number of forum boards is up to ID 255, afterward they cannot be created
- the maximum length of a thread title and a thread description is 60 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a poll title and a poll description 60 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a poll question is 100 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum number of poll answers is 10
Publisher - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- the maximum length of an entry title is 140 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
File Catalog - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- 2 filters
- in filters the maximum number of items is 100, 40 characters each
- the maximum length of an entry title is 140 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of full entry text is 60,000 characters (if the option "Substitute line feeds with the BR tag" is disabled)
Site Catalog - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- 2 filters
- in filters the maximum number of items is 100, 40 characters each
- the maximum length of an entry title is 140 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Ad Board - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- 3 filters
- the maximum length of an entry title is 140 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Blog - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- the maximum length of an entry title is 140 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Photo Albums - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- 2 filters
- the maximum length of a photo title is 50 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
- the "Maximum dimensions of a full-sized image" option cannot be less than 500*500px.
Online Games - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- 3 filters
- the maximum length of a game title is 200 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Guestbook - the maximum number of entries is 80,000. If the limit is exceeded, older messages are deleted and replaced with new ones, the same as Private Messages.
- the maximum number of categories and subcategories is 1,000
- the maximum length of entry text is 988 characters (spaces included)
FAQ - the maximum number of entries is 80,000
- the maximum length of a question subject is 230 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Site Search - new entries are indexed within 4 days
Tests - the maximum number of questions is 1,000
- the maximum number of answers to a question is 100
- the maximum length of an answer is 250 characters
- the maximum length of a question is 250 characters
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
Tag Board - the minimum message length is 200 characters, the maximum length is 500 characters (spaces included)
Email Forms - the maximum number of forms is 50
- the maximum number of "Tell a Friend" forms is 10
- the maximum number of fields for files is 100
- the maximum size of an attached file is 10 MB
- the maximum length of a form template is 10,000 characters
Web Polls - the maximum number of polls is 60
- the maximum number of poll answers is 15
Statistics - the maximum number of domains to record statistics for is 10
E-shop - the maximum length for all options must not exceed 255 characters
- the price upload limit in the "Processing of .xls(x) price list" section is 25 seconds
- uploading of a price list that contains more than 100,000 items or has the size of more than 5MB is not guaranteed
- there is no limitation on the number of subagents
- the maximum number of items for the sorting in the "Goods management" section to work properly is 7,000
- there is not limit on the number of categories, the main condition is that the "Item categories" section should load within 20 seconds
- the option "Display hidden categories" is displayed if there are less than 10,000 items. The option is available on the following menu: screenshot
- images are cropped to 500px if the uploaded image exceeds the limitation of 1600 px at one side
- the maximum number of uploaded images to an item is 255
Video - 3 filters
- the maximum length of an entry title is 200 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a category title is 100 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of a channel title is 50 characters (spaces included)
- the maximum length of an entry description is 10,000 characters (spaces included)

Subdomains - 75 records (A, MX, CNAME, etc.)
File Manager - the maximum length of a file title together with the extension is 45 characters
- the maximum size of a file uploaded through Control Panel is 100MB
- one nesting level may contain up to 200 files and folders
Templates - 10 global blocks, including the default blocks
- the maximum number of characters per one template is 150,000 - the maximum number of characters in template builder is 150,000
Private Messages - the maximum number of messages for all groups except Blocked and Guests is 200 (Inbox+Sent)
- the maximum number of messages for the Users group is 100 (Inbox+Sent)
- if the limit is exceeded old messages are deleted, Sent first
- the maximum length of a private message is 5050 characters for users with the administrative permissions and 1050 characters for other users (spaces included)
Informers - the maximum number of informers is 30
- the maximum length of an informer template is 30,000 characters
Site Menu Builder - the maximum number of menus is 10
Smileys - the maximum number of smileys near the message posting form is 16
Banner Rotator - the maximum number of categories is 10, the maximum number of banners is 60 (regardless of the category)
Sitemap - the maximum number of pages is 10,000
Tags - the maximum number of tags is 25
- the length of each tag must be >1 and <35
- the maximum length of all tags is 255 characters
Comments - the maximum number of comments per one entry is 4,000
- the maximum nesting level is 15
- the maximum number of characters per one comment is 5,000
Passwords - the maximum length of the Control Panel password is 32 characters
- the password may only contain Latin letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens
- the minimum length of the password is 6 characters, the maximum length is 15 characters
Reputation - the maximum number of reputation entries is 32,767
Ranks - the maximum number of ranks is 10
- the maximum length of a title is 50 characters
Mass Emailing to Users - the maximum length of a message is 10,000 characters
- the maximum number of categories is 20
- the mass mailing is possible not more often than once per 5 hours
Categories - the maximum number of categories is 1,000
- the maximum length of a category description is 1,000 characters
IP Blocking - the maximum number of records is 50
Import of Remote Code - the maximum number is 10
RSS Import - the maximum number is 20
Username in Control Panel - the minimum length of a username is 3 characters, the maximum length is 25 characters
- a username may contain letters, digits, and hyphens